
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Sociological Theory: Positivistic, Interpretative, And Critical Essay

Sociological Theory Positivistic, Interpretative, and criticalComment on the three types of sociological theories, explain and argue, basedon your library or Internet research, which type of speculation is the most capture theory for sociology to adopt.The three general types of sociological theory are irrefutableic, instructiveand critical theory.In determining which theory is the most appropriate forsociology to adopt,a basic reasonableness of each theorys strengths andweaknesses is necessary.In defining each of these theories, it is important todetermine the ontological terra firma orthe theorys basis for determining what isknowable the epistemological basis or the theorys kinship between theknower and the knowable and, finally, the orderological basis or the theorysmethod for gathering data and obtaining knowledge.A.POSITIVISTIC1.Ontology.The incontrovertibleic theory is based on an ontology ofbeing a realist.The realisticslant of positivism is also known as determinism .The convinced(p) knows that areality is "out there" to be defined and categorized.The toilsome sciences from thetime of Newton and Decartes have traditionally relied on the positivisticapproach.The positivist hopes to be able to approximate "reality" in a criticalgeneralization or theory on how reality operates.The theories of a positivistgenerallytake the form of cause and effect laws describing the outsidereality.Robert Merton defined these theorems as " go along verifiable statements ofthe relationships between specified variables."2.Epistemology.Positivism relies onan objective epistemology.The observer the Great Compromiser distant anddoes not interact with the observation or experiment.Values and any differentfactors that might lead to bias are to be carefully outside so that the cold,monological gaze of science can be used to study the data.The positivist is anobjectivist.3.Methodology.The methodology of positivism is experimental and manipulat ive. The approach isthe same as propounded in most junior high science classesbegin with ahypothesis on how "reality" works, then gather data and runnel the data againstthe hypothesis.The question propounded initially is tested against empiricaldata poised in the experiment under carefully controlled conditions.B.INTERPRETIVE1.Ontology.The interpretivist ontology is relativism.The... ...late objectivity.This is not the same as objectivism.Each has its own "norms for proceeding witha particular form of examination in a rational manner."However, because of theorientation of each theory, the end results will vary.establish upon these difference, critical theory does not seem to be a theory thatshould be adopted by sociologists.It belongs more in the realm of government andlegislation.Critical theory in that context could take advantage of scientific interrogation by both positivistic and interpretive sociologists to makedeterminations about tender change.If indeed critical theorist are to beinvolved in sociological study, full disclosure of prejudices and objectiveswould be needed for any inquiry to be beneficial and trustworthy.Postpositivism remains the best approach for observing the exteriors ofsociety.Coupled with the interpretivists trip up of the interior culture, the twotheories working hand in hand would be most beneficial for the sociologist inexamining society.Utilizing a dual approach would be the most comprehensive andgive the scientific inquiry both abstrusity and span in evaluating our societies andcreating a useable body of sociological research.

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